The next CMB Meeting & Fun Fly #1 will be held on Sunday, April 13rd
at 1:00pm @ the field
- Note for Visitors:
Non-flying visitors and spectators are always welcome at the Lenn Model Airpark during flying, with access via the trail running along Mountain Run Creek. Non-club members of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) who wish to fly as guests, or those interested in membership in the club will need to call a CMB Board Member or the Training Coordinator and arrange an appointment for passage thru the county's gate at the trail head and access to field. Flying guests must be accompanied by a CMB member. See the Contacts section of the website for phone numbers. - 3d Printing Interest Group: Jim Restel will be leading/coordinating the CMB 3D Printing Interest Group. Jim’s focus will be, of course, RC Model Aircraft and hopes to have community participation from CMB and F.A.R.M. Club members. The group will meet monthly initially, at the Culpeper County Library. Contact Jim for the schedule and other details. (540) 718-6617
- Jay Z has provided an update to his article on "Firmware Update & Factory Reset for your Spektrum AR630 series BNF or off-the-shelf receivers". Be sure to check it out!
- Bobby Hurst has soloed ! William (Bobby) Hurst has completed his solo check flight. He and his son have been park flying in their backyard, so Bobby was very far along and needed only some work on the faster club AeroScout and some runway skills to get to his solo flight. He also completed a maiden flight on his Apprentice the same day. His son may be next in the queue having flown a few buddy box flights also with the AeroScout. Say hello to Bobby and ask him how he was "grandfathered" into the RC hobby. If he seems to use a lot of runway, ask him what he used to drive!
- Check out Dave Dix's Phoenix 2400 Arf for sale!
- Check out Dave Dix's Prop Spinners for sale!
- Check out Dave Dix's Fuel Tanks for sale!
- Check out Dave Dix's Blade 250 Helo for Sale!
- Attention RealFlight users: Gordon Collyer has implementedd a PhotoRealistic CMB field for flying in familiar surroundings when using the RealFlight simulator! This field is fantastic! Even if you don't have RealFlight, you can use the RealFlight Swap Pages link provided to "Click to Load Panorama' to enjoy the 360 degree view in the CMB RealFlight Field section.
- The boys had to get that New Year's Eve flight in! That's Del with his A10. On the table, is the "IT LIVES" Modified Maule M7 making a triumphant return. JZ put five flights on the MMM7 and they were all good flights. A little squishy from the rain, low winds and the sun made it just fine. Years ago this would have been a take the motorcycle out for New Year's ride. Things change as the clock ticks along. Happy New Year! (photos courtesy of JZ)
- Veterans Day at CMB: Below are a few pictures of the days events! The first 2 are of Bill Towne and his "Flag Ship", and the last is of "paratroopers" landing at the Old House Vinyards across the street. (photos courtesy of Gordon Collyer):
- The following pictures recount the thrills and chills of launching a sailboat at the breezy FARM Club Charity Fall Float Fly. The 1st picture shows Jack C. and his pristine sailboat. The 2nd shows Jack and his hook to try and find his sunken boat. The 3rd shows Jack and Ralph trolling without success. The 4th shows a grateful Jack having recovered his sailboat from the deep! (photos courtesy of Dave Rothbart)
- Scott and Grant Brotherton have soloed! Beginning in January, Scott (R) and Grant(L) (photo below) began training at CMB. With winter weather, schedules, spring rain, runway liming, etc. it took a few months to complete what would have otherwise been just a few weeks of training. Scott and Grant were both quick studies and soloed after five or six sessions, made shorter individually due to the fact that they both were alternating on the buddy box during training. Scott attributes Grant’s rapid advancement in control and smooth flying to his simulator time. While the bulk of their training was on an 80% foam board Kadet replica, after brief warm-up flights, they both soloed on a 70% foam board Kadet replica and an AeroScout. Say hello to Scott and Grant when they are at the field and welcome this father and son pair to the club. Ask them if they have been patient and not Haboo'd yet!
- Here is our hard working instructor, Gordon C., setting up a trainer for another buddy-box experience and flight. Looks like the family are interested, too! (photo courtesy of Bill Towne)
- Jay Z has worked with the club CMB merchandise seller and we now have a new dedicated Club Merchandise site. We can even pay online! Check it out! (thanks, Jay)
- All CMB Club members: Spring is here and just the right time to get some new club merchandise. Perhaps a couple of new tee shirts or a new club hat! We always want to look our best at the field! Club member Jay Zompanti (Jay Z) is ready and waiting to receive the new orders. Click on over to the Club Merchandise page and see what strikes your fancy!
- Al Hampton has soloed! Al is a recent new member that comes to CMB with a part 107 quadcopter background. With some flying experience in that world, some soccer field park plane flying, and encouragement from neighbor Terry Terrenoire, Al was a quick study and made the transition to fixed wing flying rapidly since starting in late September. Al completed his training and solo flight on Gordon Collyer's new "CBM t1" foam board trainer and then easily performed an unassisted check flight on the club's new "advanced" AeroScout trainer before the transmitter battery faded away in the cool morning air. Al has volunteered to be part of the quadcopter search and rescue team when the crops are growing next summer and when someone has to recover from a forced "landing" in the beans. Say hello to Al when you see him at the field and ask about his YouTube channel and why Gordon will sometimes call him Bob. Hi Bob!
- Jay Z and friends had yet another great flying day on Sunday,Oct 30th at Lenn Air Park. Check out the fun and pictures! (photos courtesy of Jay Zompanti)
- From Gordon C: Through a kind donation from Dan Jones, the club now has a Kaos classic pattern plane to be used for advanced training. If you are interested in moving to faster ".60" size planes or would like to explore basic aerobatics, some buddy-box time on the Kaos will get you moving in the right direction. This a Tower Hobbies "Kaos 60" flying a RimFire .80 electric motor and with a 6s 5000mah battery will provide 8-9 minutes per flight. (photo courtesy of Gordon Collyer):
- Jay Z and friends had a great flying day on Sunday,Oct 23rd at Lenn Air Park. Check out the fun and pictures! (photos courtesy of Jay Zompanti)
- Jay Z has written a detailed article for all of you intrepid firmware upgraders. Jay's article details upgrading and/or resetting the firmware in your Spektrum receivers.
- From Jay Z: As a reminder, we now have Club Merchandise for sale on a per order basis. Reach out to me via the contact page on the Club Merchandise page if you are considering acquiring a sweatshirt, t-shirt, coffee mugs water tumblers, and more.
- From Jay Z: Today (Sunday, Oct 16th), was a wonderful day at the field. Sun was shining the temperature right, the wind was down. Simply beautiful. Delbert Mast, Jay Zompanti, Jay Langley: we're out flying along with Dan Palmerly. It was one of those days where you just don't want it to end. Fooling around with the camera I happen to catch these shots of Delbert Mast flying his Cherokee. Fall flying is some of the best flying of the season. When the winds are down and the sun is out it's just beautiful here at the CMB field. Come out and join us. The more the merrier. (photos courtesy of Jay Zompanti):
- Notice to all flyers: A binding incident happened at the CMB field. Everyone should read this as some newer receivers from some companies have the capability of using remote/satellite receivers. As this incident demonstrates, multiple concurrent bindings are possible. As such, someone elses transmitter may take control of your aircraft, in the air or on the ground, leading to disastrous results. This document presents the full details.
- Michael Beckett has soloed! Michael began his training In late May. His work schedule dictated training during the evenings, so with the Lenn Model Airpark's orientation he trained the hard way, looking into the sun with the attendant difficulties in discerning orientation that this lighting provides. Working around the summer evening weather and the July rains, Michael logged a lot of simulator time at home waiting for dry ground. This sim-time paid off especially well during two weeks of wind and rain down time at the end of July. Coming back to training, Michael soloed after just a couple of "warm-up" flights on the buddy-box. Get to know Michael and ask him about his full-scale aviation career, and note his tee-shirt's strategic plan.
- Xander has soloed! After a few sessions throughout the winter Xander attacked his training at the beginning of June and rapidly progressed to complete unassisted buddy box flights. After being repeatedly forced to fly those boring "fly down the center of the runway" exercises and several take-offs where the instructor accidentally(really - accidental) left the transmitter in high rates, it was clear he was good to go. His solo flight was uneventful and his landings have become often close to exceptional. He has been one of the few students who requested and learned stall turns and stall/spins before he competed his training. Xander is apparently cool under pressure….his response after soloing was a smile. We are told this is Xander being excited. Xander is planning on moving to an Aero Scout for his first plane. Say hello to Xander when you see him at the field and encourage him on!
- See you at the field...